As I post this on the eve of the Celtic day of reverence known as Bealtaine (Beltane), this time resounds as a long-awaited purification. The significance of the beginning of May encompasses creativity, opening to the Divine feminine and the healing fire of summer. Right now we are in transition, burning off the heaviness of what no longer serves while igniting our intentions for the immediate future. Below is a short meditation to become present to your own piece of a larger manifestation, as we have never been so collectively focused on co-creating a better world.

To establish a sacred space, both in your physical environment and inwardly with your heart and spirit, light two candles. One to burn away what you are letting go off and the other to be the fire you are stoking for present and future visions.

After taking several cleansing breaths that expand the lungs, become present to the out-breaths as a way of expelling that which was once helpful but is now spent and no longer needed. Take a moment to express gratitude to anything you are consciously choosing to let go—for its prior nourishment, support and/or lessons learned.

Focusing back on your breath, as you inhale imagine bringing in kindness and breathing out compassion—allow this process several breath cycles. Next, inhale humor and breathe out joy. After several breaths here, breath in love and exhale healing. Now, add in your own intentions, allowing your breath to fire them up, giving them the energy to take root and flourish.

Letting the structure of the meditation go, notice how you feel. Whatever the emotions might be, just observe their presence in your body and heart.

When you are ready, blow out your candles as a way of completing the release of blessings.

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